Saturday, January 07, 2006

Brag: What a nutcase, "AMD party so secret no one showed up"

They sure know guerilla-type marketing so well. They are so "in" to this type of attention-hungy-slimy-move like what they have been doing during IDF events that it backfired this time. Many AMDroids find it funny everytime AMD pulled a stunt like that, I wonder if they are still laughing at this incident, and to think, it's the Dual Core FX incarnation and it scored low in the box office attendees.

AMD KEEPS SECRETS so well that apparently no one showed up for its NDA 'party' to unveil the widely known FX60. The press was outnumbered by AMD and the partners, with various reports indicating that only six people showed up, with another report indicating no more than ten.

One of the main problems was the remote location and the fact that AMD did not label the room the party was in, choosing to use a code word for the event. People showing up at the Grand Hotel wandered around scratching their heads.

Another issue was that the event conflicted with no less than three other events. Perhaps another issue is that everyone already knew about the product. Whoops.

We expect that our invites to this exclusive event must have been caught by our overly aggressive spam filters.


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