Monday, March 26, 2007

Brag: Another 100% Overclock, for an unreleased Intel E2160 CPU

Well, after the successful 100% overclock of my Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E4300 even before it was released, I am always very eager and on the lookout to check for more upcoming processors that can do just that. Fortunately, one of my sample can hit it with ease, like a hot knife cutting through butter.

I can't post benchmarks and can't reveal L2 cache info, since this is yet to be released. This is also why I edited the CPU-Z screenshot, and just a note, CPU-Z still can't properly recognize it (it misreads as Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E4300). Overclock is done using an Intel® D975XBX2, and Samsung* DDR2-800MHz value RAM. Voltage is set at 1.6v for vCore, and everything else is stock, including heatsink. Anyway, if you haven't clicked on it yet, click on the image for the full-size screen of the CPU-Z.


Anonymous said...

"Voltage is set at 1.6GHz for vCore" I think you meant 1.6Volts.

death_metal said...

Thanks, corrected.

Marx said...

New CPU-Z supports e2xx

death_metal said...

Thanks marx. I'll try to run the new CPU-Z along with this newer CPU. At the time of posting, it wasn't supported yet..

Brittany H said...

It’s exciting to see processors that can be overclocked so easily.