Monday, February 12, 2007

Brag: Conroe-L has arrived...

I received a new box of goodies, and it came with sweet surprises inside. The box came with three (3) flavors of new processors, and I was like a kid excited with a new toy.

I don't know which one to pick, but I decided I'd like to test in random. So I jumbled the three(3) CPUs together, closed my eyes, and picked one. And this is the one you are seeing now, Conroe-L, as CPU-Z puts it. I don't really know how much info has been posted already on the net, so I'll just share the CPU-Z but edited the image to hide some of the details. Oh, this processor is overclocked already, just in case you're wondering :) and you can click on the image to see the full size.

I'll post the other CPU-Z screenies of the remaining two CPUs so stay tuned. Will Penryn be one of the CPUs in here already? Keep checking the site...

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