Sunday, June 25, 2006

Brag: Six Months Anniversary

Ok, this is a cheat posting, made on June 26 (Monday). But hey, I took a break from all the working and what nots and spent my day resting, looking at the sky, visiting farms, playing with my kids, talking with my wife, you know, life. Anyway, I am editing this post so I don't miss the 25th of June, the Sixth Month Anniversary of the site. So what's the news?
Well, it looks like my site is getting more and more hits, more than what I hoped for. I ended up with 22k to date, and for a FanSite with a far less audience, I'd say, I'm making some small splashes.

I'll post the graph for the hits later today, but for now, I am off to celebrate the sixth month existence of the site. Till next, and thanks for visiting my site.

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