Sunday, November 26, 2006

Misc: My web host seems to be down :( and my 11th Month Anniversary

My web host seems unreachable and been giving out a time out. I can't host any images yet and homegrown reviews aren't going to work out right. So stay tune (and yes, this is a cheat post, made on 28th of November. But hey, my host is down so...

In any case, this is the 11th month that this blog has stayed on. And for the most part, I am nearing my completion date, that is, closure date of the Blog by next month.

I have never intended for this Blog to live longer than six months, more like a couple of months after January'06, but things get a bit rough and I feel obliged to push on forward.

While my web hits continue to average 3k/month, I will be trending to slow down posting after my 1year anniversary. Till next Blog.


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