Friday, May 28, 2010

Brag: And I just paid my Pre-Order Fee

I got a call from DataBlitz earlier, informing me that I finally got my "Pre-Order" approved for Starcraft 2: Collector's Edition. However, they won't accept full payment even after I insisted. They accepted 3k, and gave me a receipt and a "pre-order" form but I still can't say it's 100% sure.

I do hope I will get the CE, I have called them and reserved the game as soon as the game release date was announced. That was like, 2months ago? I am thankful with their sales staff though, the first time I called for follow up, they can't even find my name in the list of those who reserved. Later on, they found their "older" notebook and found my name listed, as the very first who reserved a "pre-order" willing to pay the full amount upfront.

Oh geeze, I can't lay my doubt to rest, till I get my hands on the CE!

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